
Persevering Through the Tough Times

"And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith."   Hebrews 12:1

Recently, I read a statistic that 72% of American homes were watching the Super Bowl on February 5th.  Were you one of them?

If so, you had the opportunity to witness one of the most amazing comebacks in Super Bowl history!  With a score of Patriots 3 to Falcons 21 at the end of the first half, I thought the game was over at the conclusion of the halftime show.  The lack of excitement from the game  served as a lullaby for Ken, so I decided to leave him asleep on the couch, and be productive by going grocery shopping.  I have to admit that as I wandered through the aisles of Kroger, it felt as if I was in a ghost town, with the exception of the employees frantically trying to restock the snack foods.

Such An Incredible Gift! Grandbaby Palka Arriving in July!

"Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows." James 1:17

As a parent, you just have that keen sense of awareness when things just don't add up regarding your children's behavior... like the time my four year old brought me into our living room to show me that someone had written JOHS in very distinct Preschool handwriting on the wall. With the sweetest angelic face, he told me that his seven-year-old brother, Josh, must have done it, and I should punish him. He looked absolutely stunned as I told him that I didn't think he was telling me the whole truth.

Many Blessed by Lunch Bags of Love!

"Whatever you do for the least of these, you do unto Me."  Matthew 25:40

On January 22, 150 students and family members gathered in the St. Matthew gym to assemble 400 lunches for the NOAH Project, which is a Warming Center for homeless people located in Detroit's Central Methodist Church. Throughout the entire evening, it was so much fun watching the Holy Spirit shine through families as they worked together to decorate bags, write notes of encouragement, assemble sandwiches, and pack ten lunch bags.  Afterwards, families gathered together to eat pizza and enjoy fellowship.

Lunch Bags of Love - "Do Something" Significant for Homeless Victims in Detroit

"Whatever you do for the least of these, you do unto me."  Matthew 25:40

Supervising the lunchroom for many years, I have learned a lot. I have been extremely impressed with how willing children are to eat the healthy foods packed in their lunches. I have learned about family favorite meals such as "pizza casserole", "taco pie", and "slimy chicken". This year, I have also watched our Kindergarteners demonstrate their promising culinary skills by making daily food "creations", such as pickles and cheese on top of applesauce or potato salad smeared on pizza. However, there is nothing as exciting as a loving note found in a lunchbox. Often, I am greeted by an excited child waving a piece of paper and proclaiming, "look what I got!"


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