Second grade is such a fun age! Through the study of Old and New Testament stories, students learn how God touched the lives of people long ago and how He is a vital part of our lives today. Memory work continues to strengthen this concept as well as build each child's knowledge of God and His Word. Students continue to develop reading strategies that include summarizing, identifying the main idea, sequencing, making predictions, reading for specific detail, and drawing conclusions. Through the Writers Workshop approach, students continue to develop writing strategies that include conveying thoughts, ideas, and feelings in written form. Students write narrative, informational, opinion, and poetry pieces, such as personal expertise, research, and realistic fiction. Phonics are incorporated throughout the year.
In math, students work with fractions and use money to develop place-value and decimal concepts. They continue working with fact families and adding and subtracting with tens and hundreds. Additionally, students increase their knowledge of data collection by collecting, organizing, and interpreting data through the use of tables, charts, line plots, and graphs. Finally, students use tools to measure length, weight, and temperature using U.S. customary units and metric measurement units. Our inquiry-based Battle Creek Science Curriculum focuses upon standard and non-standard units of measurement, the Earth's land and water, and investigating plant life. During social studies, students learn about communities, basic concepts of government both past and present, land formations, famous historians, and how everyone can help take care of God's earth.