“The Word became flesh and made His dwelling among us. We have seen His glory, the glory of the One and Only, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth.” John 1:14
Throughout my 27 years of experience as a lunchroom monitor, I have acquired a specialized skill set. I can quickly open stubborn yogurt containers, I have mastered the art of pulling off the seals on some of the most impossible fruit cups with only slightly spilling them everywhere, I can unscrew MOST thermoses that extremely strong parents assemble, and I can reheat amazing leftovers faster than a short-order cook at Leo’s Coney Island! However, one of my largest “claims to fame” is my ability to find orthodontic retainers that have been accidently thrown away in the garbage! Since most children who have removable retainers need to take out their appliances before they eat, they tend to wrap them in a napkin and place them on their trays. For most students, they instantly realize their costly mistake within minutes of the grand disposal, so it is easier to locate the missing retainer when we are only looking through the garbage cans that are in the basement.
However, many years ago, there was a student who went down in history in regard to the most intense search-and-rescue mission because she didn’t realize until after all of the garbage had been disposed into the outdoor dumpster that she had mistakenly thrown it away. With her mother’s encouragement and permission, she decided that the most responsible action to take was to go through all of the trash and look for the lost appliance, so she armed herself with gloves and climbed into the dumpster to begin her search. As I went outside to try and help her in her quest, I was shocked to see that her sister had willingly joined her search party and was in the dumpster with her. What would motivate her sister to leave the comforts of the school environment and jump into a filthy dumpster? It’s simple; her actions were done out of love. Her love for her sister caused her to become just as passionate in the search for what was lost, despite the challenging requirements of the task. Even more endearing were their in-unison screams of delight when the lost item was eventually found!
Last Sunday, we began the church season of Advent, where we focus on the preparing for the birth of our Savior. Jesus Christ left the beauty and grandeur of Heaven to enter into a filthy and sin-filled world as a human baby. Just like the previously mentioned sister, Jesus’ actions were also motivated out of His great love for people, despite the challenging requirements of this task. The Lord knew that His children needed a Savior, so He sent His one and only Son so that whoever believed in Him would not perish but have eternal life (John 3:16). Just as the sisters screamed with delight when the lost appliance was found, the Lord rejoices every time a lost person comes to faith!
As we enter into this Advent season, so many facets of Christmas require time and thought, but nothing is more important than preparing our hearts for the true reason of the season to focus on the birth of our Savior. Listed below are the numerous opportunities we have as a school family to celebrate Jesus’ birthday:
1. This Saturday, December 7th, is “Pancakes with Pastor”, our family event that will help us focus on the true meaning of this Christmas season. You do not want to miss this delicious event that promises to have amazing food and enjoyable activities. To sweeten the morning, we will also have a visit from the Detroit Mini Donut Truck! This event starts at 9:00 a.m. in the gym and will conclude around 10:30 a.m. To sign up, please check the School Newsletter.
2. On Friday, December 13th, our littlest disciples will lead us in powerful worship during the Preschool/Kindergarten Christmas program. This endearing event will begin at 6:30 p.m. in the church; however, to accommodate a few other events that are taking place that weekend, we ask that families please do not arrive until 6:00 p.m.
3. On Wednesday, December 18th, please invite grandparents and/or special friends to attend our Special Guest Coffee Hour from 8:00 - 9:20 a.m. in the lobby. Afterwards, everyone in attendance can join us in the church for our Grades 1 - 4 Christmas Service at 9:30 a.m. Students in grades 1 - 4 are asked to wear Christmas attire. This service will also occur again at 7:00 p.m. Students are asked to arrive at school before 6:45 p.m. in Christmas attire.
We look forward to celebrating the birth of the Newborn King with all of you!
Mrs. Palka