If you are a Detroit Lions fan, I am sure that you spent most of last Monday saying to your friends and acquaintances, “WHAT A GAME!” Rallying from a 16 point deficit at halftime, the Lions tied the game during the second half, and with only four seconds left, Kicker Jake Bates won the game by kicking a 52 yard field goal! However, the most endearing highlight of this game occurred during his post game interview. When asked about his amazing kick, he stated, "I think it just shows how good the Lord is. He’s so faithful. My story is, if anything, I just hope people can see Jesus through my story. I mean that’s what I think I’m here to do. Not make or miss or be a good kicker or bad kicker but spread the love of Jesus.”
I have to confess, when I heard that powerful testimony, I screamed with joy! Talk about a dynamic mission statement!
This Friday, our students will have an opportunity to share in Jake Bate’s mission to spread the love of Jesus during our 14th Annual St. Matthew Turkey Trot.
Can you imagine what it would be like to wake up Christmas morning and nothing would be there?! No decorations, no tree, no gifts! Now, as Christians, we know that the joy of Christmas will always be there because Jesus is the best gift ever! However, we give gifts because we have received the perfect gift of salvation when God sent His Son to be our Savior. But imagine how disappointing it would be for children to have no gifts at Christmas!
For the past fourteen years, St. Matthew Lutheran School has hosted an annual "Turkey Trot" during the season of Thanksgiving as an avenue for students to provide assistance to a critical circumstance or need. Continuing with this year's school theme, our Student Council will host our 14th annual St. Matthew Lutheran School Turkey Trot on Friday, November 15th, entitled, "My God Can Bring the Hope of Christmas to Those who are Hurting". All funds raised by this endeavor will be sent to the LCMS Florida and Southeast Districts; those two Districts will distribute funds to needy families in Florida, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Tennessee.
Students in Preschool through Grade 8 are encouraged to collect pledges from family and friends for the number of laps or time that they will run during the Trot. Then, on November 15, all students will run (trot) around our school soccer field during a designated time of the school day. (Preschool through Grade 4 will “trot” from 9:30 - 10:00 a.m. and Grades 5 - 8 will “trot” from 10:15 - 10:45 a.m.) Since this Turkey Trot is focused on Christmas, please feel free to wear Christmas attire, realizing that you will be running in 40 degree temperatures!
We are looking forward to partnering with LCMS Florida and Southeast Districts to help them share the hope of Christmas with those who are hurting. To begin this process, students can start by collecting pledges. Pledge sheets were sent home with each student. To obtain a new pledge sheet, please stop in the school office.
As a special bonus, anyone raising over $50 will receive a free T-shirt with our "My God Can Bring the Hope of Christmas to Those who are Hurting" logo. (Please know that these shirts will be delivered two weeks after the Turkey Trot.) We ask that students please bring their completed pledge sheets and collected funds to school on Friday, November 15th. In addition, those students who run the most laps in each class and the student who earns the most money will have fun decorating a Student Council member during the concluding ceremony with crumbled Christmas cookies and Egg Nog!!!
As we strive to "Bring the Hope of Christmas to Those who are Hurting", we ask God to help us accomplish great things in His name. We look forward to seeing how God will bless this effort.
In His Love,
Mrs. Palka