"I delight greatly in the LORD; my soul rejoices in my God. For He has clothed me with garments of salvation and arrayed me in a robe of His righteousness." Isaiah 61:10
It was almost eight years ago when Mr. Czinder raced into my office waving a playbill from "Annie, Jr." and exuberantly announced, "we must do This Show!" At that time, Miss Stephanie Price served as our music teacher and his idea needed no convincing from her, the staff, or the parents... and as a result..."Annie, Jr." became the very first musical that St. Matthew Lutheran School performed. Since this time, spectacular musicals such as "Willy Wonka, Jr.", "Honk, Jr.", "Dear Edwina, Jr." "Seussical, Jr.", "Little Mermaid, Jr.", and "Peter Pan, Jr." have followed, but we will always be endeared to Annie, as she started this fabulous theatrical journey.
What a joy that we have Annie returning to the St. Matthew stage next week on May 4th and 5th! However, the presale for tickets ends TOMORROW, Friday April 27, and in the words of Annie... "IT IS ONLY A DAY AWAY!" Remaining tickets will be available next week after we fill our presale orders.
While you are at the show, please plan on stopping by "Annie's Edibles" Concession Stand for dinner and/or snack options. Annie's Edibles will be open at 6:15 p.m. for the general public, and preorders for cast and crew will also be available.
The menu will include:
- Annie's Pizza
- Rooster's Chicken Basket (featuring the famous
- Krispy Crunchy Chicken)
- Hannigan's Hot Pretzels
- Lily's Lip-Smacking Popcorn
- Grace's Famous Cookies
- Sandy's Pup-Cakes
- Daddy Warbuck's Treasure Bars
Each night, over 30 pieces of treasure will be hidden in various items, so come and see if you can locate something exciting!
We look forward to joining Annie and her orphan friends as they learn that love (especially Jesus') is the perfect remedy for when you feel like you have a "Hard Knock Life".
In Jesus,
Mrs. Palka