“Whatever you do for the least of these in My name, you do unto Me!” Matthew 25:40
Sometime during January 2016 Mr. and Mrs. Topel asked if we could have a meeting. My heart was filled with anticipation as I contemplated the topic of this discussion. However, when they announced that they felt the nudge of the Holy Spirit to serve on a mission trip to India, I thought my heart was going to explode with joy! As a result, they left on February 25, 2016, with a team of seven additional volunteers to serve on a MOST Ministries Eye Glass Clinic in India.
As we strive to teach our students to always be open to the ways in which God may want to use them to further His kingdom, I asked the Topels before they left for this mission trip if they would be willing to share this journey with our school families. Last night, I came across the endearing response that Mr. Topel composed back in 2016. As I read it, I felt that his message is as powerful today as it was nine years ago, so it is worth sharing again:
Have you ever felt really nervous about something? Not just a little concerned, but really nervous? I mean, hands shaking, heart racing, can barely speak nervous? There have been only a select few times in my own life when my nerves really took hold like that, but two have occurred in this last year. One was on my wedding day when I stood at the altar of the church waiting for my future wife, Mrs. Topel, to walk down the aisle, and the second was when I contemplated going on a mission trip to India.
Over the past few years, St. Matthew has partnered with Pastor Daniel Masih to find ways that we can help share God's love to a country with 1.3 billion residents and 1.25 billion people who do not yet know that Jesus Christ is their Savior. This year Pastor Daniel put a call out to MOST Ministries, a local organization that arranges short-term mission trips, and asked for them to return to his city of Dasuya. St. Matthew just needed a few more people to join the team before they could go. Mrs. Topel, who is much braver that I am, said, "I would like to go," to which I nonchalantly replied, "Me, too."
And that's when it hit me: the nerves, the racing heart, the sweaty hands, and worst of all, the worry. "Will we be able to afford this?" "How will my students do for two weeks without me?" "What if something happens to us?"
Later that night I sat up in bed thinking about what it would take to go to India and also why we were going there. As I was thinking, a verse ran through my head.
"Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age." Matthew 28:19 - 20
All of the answers were right there. We were going to India to make disciples, and that mission alone is worth the anxiety, but we won't be going alone. God has promised to be with us, always, and that is the only assurance we need. "Will we be able to afford this?" "Yes, God will provide,"... "How will my students do for two weeks without me?" "It will be OK, God is always with them"... "What if something happens to us?" "Don't worry God is with us."
Of course, one of the ways that God can provide is through us. There are several ways you can help this trip to be successful. You could donate used or old eyeglasses by placing them in the MOST Ministries box at the Walled Lake campus' Welcome Desk. You could use this opportunity to inspire a servant's heart in your own children, and find service projects right here in Southeast Michigan, and, of course, you can pray that God would keep all of the members of our mission team safe and that He would bless our efforts in the city of Dasuya. -Matthew Topel
God used the Topels in powerful ways during that mission trip to not only help others with physical/visual needs but also to share Jesus with those who have spiritual needs.
Over the years, MOST Ministries continues to equip and send short-term mission teams across the globe. During the month of February, all Lutheran schools in the state of Michigan will designate their Chapel offerings to MOST Ministries so that future teams can impact the world for Jesus.
In addition, we will also collect old prescription glasses and any type of sunglasses that future ministry teams can utilize. If you have any old prescription glasses and /or sunglasses that you would like to donate, please send them to the school office and mark “MOST MINISTRIES” on the container so we’re aware that it is a donation and not assume they are glasses that someone misplaced.
This Valentine’s Day, may you find sweet ways to share God’s love with others!
In Jesus’ Love,
Mrs. Palka