Our church and school are part of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod (LCMS). The LCMS operates the largest Protestant school system in the United States. Currently, the LCMS operates 1,200 Early Childhood Centers, 880 Elementary Schools, and 90 High Schools, for a total of 2170 schools in the United States. These schools educate more than 200,000 students and are staffed by almost 18,000 teachers.
Our school is recognized as an accredited school through the Michigan Association of Non-Public Schools (MANS), as well as the National Lutheran School Accreditation (NLSA).
Our most recent NLSA Site Visit took place in January of 2020. During this process, not only were we granted accreditation status, but we were also awarded the title of an "Exemplary Lutheran School" by the Michigan District, based on the following top four strengths that were identified by the Visiting Team:
- Unity of Church and School Mission, including funding
- Implementation of Literacy Program, including Lucy Calkins' Writing Process
- Apologetics in Religion curriculum
- Technology Implementation across the curriculum