Numerous drama opportunities are available at our school. Our youngest students, in Preschool and Kindergarten, offer an annual Advent service through which the students present the nativity of our Lord Jesus Christ. Soon after, students in first through fourth grades present their Christmas service both during the School's Chapel and that evening's Advent worship service. These students offer their love for our Savior through song and recitation.
Each spring, our fifth through eighth grade students have the opportunity to refine their acting, singing, stage hand, or technological skills by participating in the musical or drama that is presented to audiences in early May. In the past we have successfully brought to the stage:
- Madagascar, Jr.
- The Wizard of Oz
- Frozen, Jr.
- Annie, Jr.
- Willie Wonka, Jr.
- Seussical, Jr.
- Dear Edwina, Jr.
- Honk!, Jr.
- Check Please! & The Audition
- The Little Mermaid, Jr.
- Peter Pan, Jr.
- The Best Christmas Pageant Ever
As students develop their God-given gifts, we celebrate their efforts and dedication to honor Him.
Ministry News
"I delight greatly in the LORD; my soul rejoices in my God. For He has clothed me with garments of salvation and arrayed me in a robe of His righteousness." Isaiah 61:10
It was almost eight years ago when Mr. Czinder raced into my office waving a playbill from "Annie, Jr." and exuberantly announced, "we must do This Show!" At that time, Miss Stephanie Price served as our music teacher and his idea needed no convincing from her, the staff, or the parents... and as a result..."Annie, Jr." became the very first musical that St. Matthew Lutheran School performed. Since this time, spectacular musicals such as "Willy Wonka, Jr.", "Honk, Jr.", "Dear Edwina, Jr." "Seussical, Jr.", "Little Mermaid, Jr.", and "Peter Pan, Jr." have followed, but we will always be endeared to Annie, as she started this fabulous theatrical journey.
"Let heaven and earth praise Him, the seas and all that move in them!" Psalm 69:34
Do your children have a certain movie that they enjoy so much that they will tend to watch it over and over and over again? When my oldest son was a young boy, he was obsessed with Peter Pan, and when given the opportunity to select a movie, that was ALWAYS his choice.
It just so happened that my sister and her family visited during the Peter Pan extravaganza, and after a few days, my brother-in-law requested if he could borrow our car. When he returned, he handed Joshua a bag filled with numerous other children's movies, and with a smile said, "Josh, every boy needs to learn that he will one day need to leave Neverland. Maybe you could start a little early and take a little break from Peter Pan while we're here?"
Perhaps you are all grown up, but this Friday and Saturday, you will have the opportunity to return to Neverland and reunite with Peter Pan and the lost boys as St. Matthew Lutheran School proudly presents Peter Pan Jr.