“And surely I am with you always until the very end of the age.” Matthew 28:20b
A few nights ago, I received a sweet message from a dad, reminding me of this article that I wrote about his daughter almost 17 years ago! This precious girl is now in college! This story/photo will always be one of my favorite newsletters. I believe that it is absolutely worthy of a re-run during this Lutheran Schools Week.
Many years ago, our Preschoolers were learning the very important lesson that Jesus is always with us. As a reminder of this significant Biblical truth, the teacher gave each of her students a picture of Jesus so they could place it somewhere very special as a way to help them remember that no matter where they are, Jesus would also be with them.
In this case, a picture is worth a million words as little Caroline demonstrated where she decided to place her picture before she went to sleep that night!
What a beautiful illustration of “childlike faith” that Scripture often describes, and at St. Matthew Lutheran School, we believe that type of faith development can begin at a very early age. That’s is why St. Matthew Lutheran Church supports and invests in various forms of Christian education, and one of those ministry priorities is our school.
When you are questioning “Why send my child to St. Matthew?”, remind yourself that of all the investments that you can provide for your child, placing a high priority in his/her spiritual journey has eternal rewards! One of the numerous blessings of St. Matthew is that the Lord and His teachings are woven throughout the entire school day!
As the conclusion of Lutheran Schools Weeks quickly approaches, we want to express our tremendous gratitude for our staff’s dedication, our parents’ amazing support, and our Heavenly Father’s consistent faithfulness, as we strive to have our students grow closer to and more like Jesus!
Happy Lutheran Schools Week! It is a privilege to partner with you in your child's spiritual development!
To God Be The Glory!
Mrs. Palka