"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11 If you have ever needed corrective lenses, you know the blessing of clear sight. My vision started to deteriorate when I was in the third grade, and by the time my nearsightedness plateaued, my prescription was a -8 in one eye and a -7 in the other. My glasses were so incredibly thick that you could barely see my eyes. Contact lenses were a welcomed blessing when I turned sixteen.
Eight years ago, the growth of cataracts in both of my eyes required surgery and the insertion of new man-made, lenses restored my sight to perfect 20/20 vision. In the blink of an eye (no pun intended), I had a new sense of clarity. I was able to experience a brilliance in colors that I was not accustomed to, and I saw things that I had never noticed. My new and perfect 20/20 vision literally changed so many areas of my life.
Just as 20/20 is synonymous with perfect vision, in a similar sense, the year 2020 gave all of us a new sense of vision and/or perspective as our lives were dramatically affected by the COVID pandemic. So... how did God grow your 20/20 vision this past year? For myself, the year 2020 expanded my vision of gratitude, creative problem solving skills, perseverance, and trust and appreciation for God's ultimate power and protection.
As we begin this New Year, we praise God for His hand of protection throughout these unprecedented times and we rejoice knowing that He will continue to lead us through any additional uncertainties of this pandemic. God uses all things for good; may all the lessons that we learned throughout 2020 enhance our abilities to grow closer to and more like Jesus throughout 2021 as we cling to and boldly profess this year's school theme, "There Is No Impossible With God!"
Happy New Year!
In Jesus' Love,
Mrs. Palka