Last week, after all of the news and prayers regarding Braedon had begun, our school received a very sweet compliment from a mom who is new to St. Matthew this year. She said to me, "What a special community this is, Mrs. Palka!"
And indeed, her perception is correct! When Jesus is in the center of relationships... powerful things happen! During this past week, it's like we have been watching a modern day version of the Book of Acts unfold, as a community of believers gathered together to love, support, and earnestly pray for Braedon.
I can't even begin to tell you how endearing it is being frequently asked by students and parents, "How is Braedon doing?"
Listed below is the Facebook update that Braedon's mom posted and has given me permission to share:
At about 2:20 a.m. on Monday morning, Braedon was taken down to receive his liver transplant!
He returned to us in his room around 12:30 pm. The surgery went very well. He had a little gas in his abdomen, which caused a little swelling in his colon so they were not able to close him completely. All of this is a normal occurrence for this type of surgery. He will be taken back to the OR in a few days to finish everything up. Until then they are keeping him in the PICU, sedated, and intubated.
He will most likely be in the PICU for about a week and then on the main floor for an additional two weeks.
The doctors have praised Braedon for doing so well in surgery! The staff at Mott is absolutely incredible and have been so amazing to my boy!
Most importantly, God is the greatest and has been with us every step of the way!
I want to thank everyone again that has said a prayer, an encouraging word, or has simply thought about us. Anyone that has donated, or went to CJs Brewing Company this week, my gratitude is endless!
Braedon is my little fighter, and we are finally heading towards recovery!
Over the summer, I read a book that had the resounding theme of "while you are waiting, God is working", and like you, did I ever cling to that hope and assurance last week! Thank you so much for all of your prayers. We give all glory, honor, and praise to our Heavenly Father for how He answered those prayers.
Braedon does have a long road to recovery, so please continue to keep him in your prayers.
Many continue to ask how we can help. One way that our staff felt would be a great way for the entire school to provide assistance to Braedon's family is to designate Braedon as the recipient for this year's Turkey Trot. All proceeds from this event will be given to Braedon's family to assist with significant medical and incidental expenses.
Since the color for the liver transplant ribbon is green, and Braedon is a HUGE MSU fan, the title of this year's Turkey Trot will be "Go Green and Run for Braedon". This event will happen on Friday, November 15th, and information and pledge sheets will come out next week.
God is so good, and we thank and praise you for all of your love and support for Braedon!
In Jesus' Love,
Mrs. Palka
p.s. Since the writing of this article, Braedon had his follow up surgery and everything went fine. This should be his last surgery!
Thank you, Jesus!