"Whatever you do for the least of these, you've done unto Me." Matthew 25:40
* 20 lbs. of turkey
* 10 lbs. of ham
* 10 lbs. of salami
* 360 pieces of cheese
* 35 loaves of bread
* 300 Rice Crispy treats
* 8 cases of juice boxes
* 6 boxes of chips
* 4 cases of applesauce
* 300 lunch bags
* 120 missional Christ followers assembling lunch bags
* 4 volunteers who braved the snowy roads on Monday
* 300 guests at the Noah Project Homeless Shelter receiving a lunch bag of love... priceless!
Last Sunday, 120 students, family members, and staff members gathered in the St. Matthew gym to assemble 300 lunches for the NOAH Project, which is a Warming Center for homeless people located in Detroit's Central Methodist Church. Throughout the entire evening, it was so much fun watching the Holy Spirit shine through families as they worked together to decorate bags, assemble sandwiches, and pack ten lunch bags. Afterwards, families gathered together to eat pizza and enjoy fellowship.
With school cancelled the next day due to a winter storm, Mr. Topel, Mr. Welte, Mr. Millspaugh, and Carson braved the elements and delivered the lunches. The NOAH staff was extremely grateful for our donation, not only because of the dangerous weather conditions of this week, but also as of Monday, we were the only scheduled food donation for the week.
Thank you so much for your support in this endeavor, and please join us in praying for the recipients of our lunch bags of love. It is our prayer that they may see Jesus in these interactions.
In His love,
Mrs. Palka