"We love because He first loved us." 1 John 4:19
If there was an instrument that you would love to learn to play, what would it be?
During a principals' conference this summer, I had the opportunity to hear an amazing story entitled, Ada's Violin, which is a true account based on a young girl named Ada Gomez. Ada lives in Caturea, a city in Paraguay, that is built on a landfill and is also one of the poorest cities in South America. Yet, Ada's dream was to learn how to play the violin.
Additionally, living in Caturea, is a music teacher named Favio Chavev, who also had a small dream to teach the underprivileged children of his city how to read music and play instruments. However, with an average income of $2.00 a day, most of the children's families could not afford to purchase instruments. As only God could design, Favio met a carpenter who also worked at the landfill. Once Favio explain his dilemma, this man was very happy to use his creative and ingenious talents to solve the problem of lack of instruments for the children.
Utilizing materials found in the garbage dump, such as tin cans, wire, wooden mallets, x-rays, etc., the carpenter designed and made various musical instruments... including Ada's violin!
Favio's small dream of teaching underprivileged children music has now evolved into a beautiful reality called "The Landfill Harmonic". Currently, this group of children is composed of 160 talented musicians that play beautiful music on instruments made from recycled materials.
Favio's small dream exploded into something tremendous! The Landfill Harmonic has gained so much popularity that they constantly are receiving requests to perform around the world, sharing their story as well as their musical talent.
Yesterday, I had the opportunity to share this story in Chapel, which provided a wonderful illustration of this year's theme for God blessing a small dream in a really big way!
Our Chapel message was further enhanced when Mr. Jason Trudeau, a pyrotechnic expert and parent of our school, shared his knowledge with us regarding fireworks. Our "Dream Small" logo is a firework, and Mr. Trudeau provided us with the small casing of a firework so we could see how small a firework is before it is ignited. Just as a firework starts from a small casing and ignites into a huge display, when we do small things that show God's love or attempt to further His Kingdom, God has the ability to ignite those efforts and bless them in huge ways that bring Him glory as well.
Afterwards, our students were given an amazing treat as Mr. Trudeau performed a small firework demonstration in our back parking lot. (Many thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Trudeau, as well as the Walled Lake Fire Marshall for allowing this demonstration to occur!)
Most importantly, we want to remember the motivation behind all of our small dreams... "We love because He first loved us" (1John 4:19). When we honor God by our actions and our words that share His love, He has the ability to bless these efforts in tremendous ways.
Today, everyone will has an opportunity to help Mr. Czinder's small dream of raising money for clean water for children in remote areas of Africa during the 7th Grade's "Dream Small And Run With A Big Vision" Bake Sale. Dreamy treats will be for sale in the narthex from 8:00 a.m. until 8:00 p.m. so please stop by!
Have fun dreaming!
In Jesus,
Mrs. Palka
As of 3:00 pm $2,140 raised thus far!!