Taken from the LCMS Michigan District "Michigan In Touch Online" magazine, June 3, 2016:
The Michigan District of the LCMS is blessed with terrific students, excellent teachers, and a variety of sizes and locations of great schools. The District recognized St. Matthew Lutheran in Walled Lake as an Exemplary School in 2016. In order to achieve this recognition, a school needed an NLSA visit last year, a recommendation by the visiting team on “best practices” that were exceptional and replicable in other places, the approval of the District Accreditation Commission, and passing a Validation visit by Chuck Winterstein, Assistant Superintendent in Michigan.
St. Matthew Lutheran was nominated for the following “Best Practices:”
Unique Apologetics Approach to Upper Grade Religion: Teachers are assisting children in understanding and defending their faith;
Lucy Calkins Writing Process: Test scores indicate students are excelling at writing;
Technology Implementation: Teachers are utilizing Smart Boards, I Pads and a variety of software in teaching and learning;
Unity of Mission between church and School: Often congregations and schools develop a “we vs. they” mentality. St. Matthew has developed a unified approach that extends seamlessly into service opportunities and a shared vision.
We thank God for all our Lutheran Schools and the students who daily hear about Jesus from dedicated teachers, administrators and pastors!